Everybody Loves the Beach

By Vladimir Brezina

Black skimmers on the beach

Click on the photo to enlarge it. Story and more photos here!

34 responses to “Everybody Loves the Beach

  1. Do the birds wonder what all the people are doing there?

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. That’s quite a gathering! Lots of people, too. :)


  3. Hilarious juxtaposition!


  4. Nice to see so many birds as well as people. They look very expectant.


  5. Totally tolerant terns!
    I like the fisher-woman looking at her bait bucket as if thinking:
    “Do I have enough to get past this mob?”


  6. Hahaha! Great capture


  7. vastlycurious.com

    Me toooooo!


  8. What great beaks they have!


  9. Love it – everyone needs to enjoy the beach!


  10. That is a lot of birds on the beach :)


  11. oh wow! that’s a lot of birds. looks like they have their own space :)


  12. Two sets of creatures from two different worlds —almost looks like a put-together of two separate photos.
    Someone has a poem with the line in it, leaving no tern unstoned —
    But you didn’t, did you. Not at all.


  13. WOW! And I was always excited to see ONE black skimmer. I love those birds! Cool! Once in a while I would see one over on Staten Island, skimming the surface of the water, close to shore, late on a summer afternoon.


    • I’ve never seen them in NYC—or at least I am not aware of having seen them, because I did not know what they were until this day in Florida.

      But there were plenty on that Florida beach. Another post with more photos to come! :-)


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