Weekly Photo Challenge: Signs

By Vladimir Brezina

It’s that season again, a thousand little signs tell me so—

Halloween's coming up!

A contribution to this week’s Photo Challenge, Signs.

40 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Signs

  1. The eyeballs are a nice touch. Or should I say, a good look. Ugh! :-D 🎃👻


  2. Emilio Pasquale

    My kind of humor. Love it!


  3. you don’t show up in my reader. every day i unclick follow & click again & still nothing.


    • Strange—I don’t know why that is. I don’t use the Reader, but I’ve just looked, and I can see this post there—so it’s working at least to that extent. I do hear of this kind of thing happening quite often (with other blogs), though. Thanks for trying!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Haha! They’re everywhere! Boooooo!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Not a very appealing sign I must say…..it would put me right off my food :-)


  6. Did you eyeball the menu? :)


  7. Open for lunch, eh? And if the eyes are bigger than the belly they’ll give us a hand to eat it, what?!


  8. Ha ha ha ha! The UK doesn’t go quite as Halloween nuts as the US but this is fun :-)


  9. Great entry, Vlad – thanks for the chuckle!


  10. could you eat there after viewing that??? YES!… I probably could!
    great photo!


  11. That photo elicited an actual belly laugh. Too funny!


  12. Who doesn’t love October!!!


  13. Hope you guys are OK. A week with no post is a long time for you. Take care.


  14. LOL. What, no Christmas decorations yet? ;)


  15. Yikes. Might put a few diners off?


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