Last Days of the Year

By Vladimir Brezina

Last red leaf
The one red leaf, the last of its clan,
That dances as often as dance it can,
Hanging so light, and hanging so high,
On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.
— Coleridge, Christabel
Sunset at the end of December 2014 in NYC’s Central Park—
Winter sunset
(Click on any photo to start slideshow)

Last light over the Central Park Reservoir—

Last light

47 responses to “Last Days of the Year

  1. Beautiful studies ! Milkweed ovum and fluff make for great fire tinder if ever you have the cause to start a fire to cook or warm up :) …


  2. Wonderful pictures and stunning gallery. Happy New Year!


  3. Spent milkweed husks are lovely, aren’t they? They look like fairy ears. Happy new year!


    • They are very beautiful. There’s a patch of them in Central Park that we always visit at this time of the year. This year we were at first dismayed to find that it was surrounded by a 6-foot construction fence. But we found a gap to get through to them :-)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful shots. Happy New Year!


  5. Lovely – especially the red berries.


  6. What a perfect poem. And the images are so lovely, thank you!
    Prospero Ano Nuevo a tu y Johna, look forward to your photos and adventures in 2015.


  7. What a wonderful way to end the year! It’s nice to see what’s still there to photograph as winter settles in.



  8. Beautiful shots! I hope your new year is filled with adventure, health, happiness and love.


  9. loved the photos along with the poem which is making them more beautiful !!


  10. Lovely photos which reflect the season and the last few days of this year. Happy New Year. May 2015 bring on the many more beautiful subjects that nature has to offer. :)


  11. Awesome photos! I especially love the sky in the city photos:) Have a great new year!


  12. Beautiful photos… wish you a great 2015 :-)


  13. Excelent photos, the orange sky is awesome
    wish you the best for the 2015


  14. Lovely presentation! Happy new year ; )


  15. Love the contrast of berries and bark! Thanks for sharing all your adventures and lovely pics & happy new year – hope 2015 is just as fun & interesting.


  16. A gorgeous end-of-year photo essay! Thanks, Vlad and Johna :)


  17. beautiful pictures!!! thanks for sharing and Happy New Year to you and Johna! :)


  18. Thank you for your wonderful blog and photos! Happy New Year to you both!


  19. Inspiring photos…I passed milkweed pods every day of my morning walk in late autumn and never stopped to photograph them! You remind us that there is beauty in every corner of the world, if we pause to notice. Thank you :)


  20. Pingback: Our 2015 Calendar | Wind Against Current

  21. Great pictures… Happy New Year to you and your family…


  22. Simply lovely, especially I the light in those berry clicks. And that solitary red leaf… a striking moment. Have not bumped into that Coleridge quote before. Very cool! Thanks for sharing.


  23. Oops – especially the light in those berry clicks. I had nothing to do with it! :)


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