It’s Awards Time Again!

By Vladimir Brezina and Johna Till Johnson

It’s that season again! Every now and then there seems to be a wave of blogger awards, and a particularly big one appears to be cresting now…

Bloggers have different reactions to these awards. But whatever you may think, each award does represents a wish on the part of the donor to honor the recipient. So we feel truly honored to have received, in the past week or so, these four awards:

We thank all three bloggers very, very much for their appreciation of Wind Against Current!

And now it’s our turn to pass the awards on to blogs that we particularly enjoy and admire. Leaving aside blogs that we’ve already passed awards to in previous rounds of award-giving (here and here), we nominate these 16 blogs:

(To avoid multiplication of awards without end, we ask the recipients to pick just the one award that most appeals to them. Perhaps, if the awards are selected too, some will become truly sought after…)

We look forward to reading more beautiful and inspiring posts on these blogs in the future. Readers, do check them out!

21 responses to “It’s Awards Time Again!

  1. Congratulations on your awards!! They are so well deserved. Thanks so much for passing it on to me.


  2. Great acceptance post … congrats on your nomination :-)


  3. Congratulations! And honoured to be on your list :-) Thank you so much.


  4. how very lovely!! i am honored! xo, y


  5. Hello Vladimir and Johna,
    Thank you so much for nominating our blog.
    Best of luck and lots of love from brazil


  6. You are just such wonderfully generous bloggers! Thanks for all the great recommendations on new (to me) blogs to check out.


  7. Congratulations!!


  8. Pingback: ‘C’ Is For Centum! « The Urge To Wander

  9. Pingback: Award Appreciation: We Thank Our Readers For… | Wind Against Current

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