Our 2013 Calendar

By Vladimir Brezina and Johna Till Johnson

We have a recent tradition: This year and last, we’ve created a wall calendar based on Vlad’s photos. It’s an enormous amount of fun to look through the photos and select the thirteen (including cover) that best capture our themes for the month, and the year.

We print the calendar using  Shutterfly, which overall does a fine job for a reasonable price. The calendars are printed on heavy, glossy paper stock (they’re hanging on the walls now) and we’re able to customize each day of the year, adding holidays, birthdays, phases of the moon, and, of course, the times of tidal current change in Hell Gate! (Hell Gate is a good proxy for the current everywhere in the New York harbor—it basically tells us whether we’ll be kayaking north or south on a particular day).

We decided to share our 2013 photos with you. Please let us know your favorite shots. (There are some months that we’re already impatient for, because we like the photos so much!)


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What are days for?
Days are where we live.
They come, they wake us
Time and time over.
They are to be happy in:
Where can we live but days?

Philip Larkin, Days


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Happy 2013!

107 responses to “Our 2013 Calendar

  1. All the pictures are very good and a pleasure for the eye. But my favourite has to be May. Second favourite – October. May – because it’s a very nice macro shot that combines cuteness and humour with just the right amount of weird. October, because it’s so energetic and colourful and captures the spirit of Autumn without declining into banality, which is easy.


  2. february, july and september are my favorites. february is so very handsome.. july made me smile, and september – ah! it is a true winner!



    • Thanks, Z! July was indeed the high point of the carefree summer. September, although very colorful, a bit more serious already…


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Thanks Z. Honestly, September was my pick. It has that late-summer sadness to it….


      • Ah, so well I remember! We had our first four days of soft rain this week on Ecuador’s Pacific coast, and the air was quite cool. it reminded me of autumn, when the last fragments of nice weather were about to vanish.


        • Surely it’s too early to be the end of summer there yet?

          Here in September we don’t have rain, necessarily, and it’s still very warm—but the days are unmistakably shorter, and there is something that signals the end of summer…


        • we have about five months of rainy season, and seven of dry. we have just reached the end of the dry season, and everything has been barren and dry for months! our daylight hours barely fluctuate – basically six am until six pm for daylight and equal amounts of darkness. february is usually the rainiest month, though i’m told that the el nino, which rolls around ever dozen or so years, gets toughest in march and april. we’re due an el nino, though ‘they’ are saying we’re ok for the first two months, according to ocean temperatures. z


        • But isn’t the rainy season a change and a relief, at first? ;-)


        • oh it’s great to see the landscape transform from barren to green! the climate gets more humid, and most people complain about the humidity.


  3. Great calendar guys. Just go into business and print them up yourself. Bravo!


  4. Theese images are like a celebration of life near the sea!! Happy and joyful motives and colours, by December I had a big ear to ear smile on my face :-)


  5. Fantastic shots – all of them. My favourites are April and September :)


  6. Fabulous calender! Beautiful twelve months ahead!


  7. These photos are STUNNING! I liked all of them, but I think Sept was my favorite! I would buy this calendar if it were for sale! It’s beautiful. Thanks for the great idea too :)


  8. Wonderful images. This is a calendar I’d happily have on my wall. January and April are my favourites. :-)


    • Thanks!! Yes, we tried to make a calendar that we’ll be happy to live with all year :-)


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Oooh! Thanks for liking April! We went back and forth on that one. Vlad has a number of shots that are very dramatic, with the black background. I complained that if we used them all, the calendar would be “gloomy”. We compromised by using one, unless you count December, which also has a black background. Vlad was surprised when I lobbied hard to include one of the “gloomy” photographs!


  9. Fantastic Calendar !


  10. Not a easy “job”… :-)

    I would say january and november… :-)


  11. Beautiful calendar. Love September and October.



  12. Beautiful calendar. It was tough picking a favorite, but I finally had to settle on January because I love snow so much. Happy New Year. :)


  13. What a glorious year, Vlad & Johna. Fun to be reminded of yr past adventures, and to look forward to more.


  14. March or May – I can’t decide.


  15. Too hard to pick one picture, I love them all. Thanks for sharing a wonder year with all of us!!


  16. April – Sep – Nov are my favorites. Love all of them though.
    I’ve been doing my own calendars for a couple of years too… it’s fun putting them together and yes, like you, I look forward to the pictures on certain months.


  17. neat concept-beautiful


  18. April is my favorite! You should sell these beautiful calendars – it will be in great demand.


  19. Wow a calendar! That’s an awesome idea. Especially that your photos are always so beautiful!


  20. Every month is lovely, but January is my favorite, and May is the coolest shot. You should market this!


  21. January and February are my two favorites. What a nice calendar!


  22. Absolutely Beautiful! Palladian Traveler is right…print them up and sell them. You truly have talent Vladimir!


  23. If I really had to choose, I would say January. (Yes, I love the snow even though it gets cold). :)


  24. I really like that January image and I really miss the snow! Best wishes for 2013.


  25. These images are so thematic to the seasons…pictures of exciting months to look forward to. A tricky question to select a favorite, because I like the following equally: January, March, July, November. Thanks for the delights!


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Thanks for posting! Glad you mentioned July–it’s a bit of an atypical photo for us, but we were so enraptured by the sheer happiness of the guys on the boat….


  26. Every picture takes you to somewhere beautiful and amazing. What a year of priceless adventures!


  27. What a wonderful post!! Thanks so much for sharing it!


  28. My favorites are January and May. My friends kept telling me how beautifiul Central Park is when it is covered with snow. Too bad I didn’t get to experience it. All beautiful pictures!


  29. May of course and my other favorite is the cover — it sums up your outward bound attitude to a T I think. A great selection over all — must be nice to use all through the year.


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Thanks Frank! I always try to get at least one photo of Vlad in there–even if it’s just the tip of his kayak! :-). It’s difficult because he usually has the camera–and doesn’t like most of the photos of him.


  30. Mad Queen Linda

    This is fun to put together, isn’t it? I used to make one every year but each month’s photo was a picture of my husband and I, usually travel photos. It a real smile-generator to flip to the next month and think about the story behind the photo.


    • Yes, that’s where home-made calendars are so much more fun than the commercial ones… ten months later you’ve almost forgotten the story until you flip the calendar to a new page, and it all comes back… :-)


  31. Oh, I love this idea! My favs are October and December!! Great idea! :)


  32. This is such a great idea, you two. What a tough choice for to pick favorites, but I would say January (it looks like a painting) and September.


  33. You won’t be surprised that I particularly like November…and September – and August makes me think of the Adirondacks. I’ve been doing Shutterfly calendars too, the last few years. I had fun making one for a friend as a Christmas gift as well. Now I have to think about whether I want to do what you did here, and display this year’s calendar pictures.


  34. January and August are just stunning….it’s so good to find ways if using and displaying photos…otherwise they just sit on the hard drive feeling lonely :-)


  35. January and April are my favorites. All the shots are good though :)


  36. gingerbreadcafe

    January is amazing and the May close up of the shell with it’s inhabitant still inside is wonderful


  37. Love this masterpost -September, April and November are my favorites :D
    Great work!


  38. Great info and photos!!


  39. Pingback: 2013 Calendar « Paffy's Photography

  40. My boyfriend and I bought a couple of kayaks at the end of last summer and instantly caught “the bug”. We love to take them out to local ponds and rivers. I have a 5 yr old daughter and we wanted to include her in our fun. After trying to fit her in the cockpit of the Dagger, we realized it wasn’t big enough. She ended up getting hit in the head every time we moved the paddle. Then we thought about buying a tandem for her to have her own seat. We rented a Loon, but found that you really need to have two able paddlers to be able to control and move the tandem. This year was the first time I saw the America and it’s extra large cockpit. It’s big enough to fit me and my daughter, but not so big that I can’t paddle it on my own. The price was easy to handle too. We love it! Now the whole family is included and we go kayaking as often as we can.


  41. Pingback: Travel Theme: Benches | Wind Against Current

  42. Pingback: Creating a 2013 Calendar | Wonderful things

  43. Pingback: Our 2014 Calendar | Wind Against Current

  44. Pingback: Our 2015 Calendar | Wind Against Current

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