Award Appreciation: We Thank Our Readers For…

By Vladimir Brezina and Johna Till Johnson

AwardsWe didn’t really know what to expect when we started blogging. We certainly had no idea that the best part of blogging—truly, the very best—would be discovering the vast audience of sympathetic readers out there, many of whom have wonderful blogs of their own that we now love and follow.

And we are very gratified to find that they like our blog in turn! We’re grateful and honored by the many awards that our readers  have bestowed on us. Over the last eight months or so, since our last acknowledgment of awards, those awards include…


versatileblogger111the Versatile Blogger Award from


Beautiful Blogger Awardthe Beautiful Blogger Award from


One Lovely Blog Awardthe One Lovely Blog Award from


Very Inspiring Blogger Awardthe Very Inspiring Blogger Award from


Reader Appreciation Awardthe Reader Appreciation Award from


Liebster Blog Awardthe Liebster Blog Award from


Super Sweet Blogging Awardthe Super Sweet Blogging Award from


Blog on Fire Awardthe Blog on Fire Award from


No Strings Attached Gratitude Awardthe No Strings Attached Gratitude Award from


realityblogawardthe R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Blog Award from


shineonthe Shine On Award from


Wonderful Team Member Readership Awardthe Wonderful Team Member Readership Award from


Inspiring Blog Awardthe Inspiring Blog Award from


Sunshine Awardthe Sunshine Award from


Adventurous Blogger Awardthe Adventurous Blogger Award from


Blog of the Year Award 6 star jpegthe Blog of the Year 2012 Award from


These are all wonderful blogs that we read regularly, and we urge all our other readers to check them out!

These awards each have their own rules to follow and various questions to answer. We did that in our earlier awards posts (here, here, and here). But to do it again now for 16 different awards is beyond our strength, and most likely beyond our readers’ patience. ;-)

So we’ll simply go on to what we take to be the most valuable part of all this award-giving—to nominate for these awards, in turn, the blogs that we are most inspired by, both to acknowledge our enjoyment of them and to point them out for our other readers.

And there are many of them—just as well, since there are many awards to distribute! (And, no doubt, we’ll still find that we’ve inadvertently omitted some favorite, but infrequently published blog—apologies!)

Here’s our list, in alphabetical order ;-)

We know that some of you on this list may not be inclined to accept awards—we’ve still included you to thank you for inspiring and delighting us! But if you are so inclined, pick out any of the awards that we have at our disposal—or two, or three…!—and add it to your collection!

138 responses to “Award Appreciation: We Thank Our Readers For…

  1. wow how awesome!


  2. Johna and Vlad — I don’t always give awards but when (and if) I do your blog would win “Favorite blog of Frank Winters.” Hands down. None better. Congratulations on all your accolades — you earned them!



    Of course I accept! Thank you!


  4. What a great idea! And thank you for nominating my blog :)


  5. You rock “Wind Against Current”! It’s an honor that you visit my site.


  6. Congratulations on all of your well-deserved awards! And thank you so much for nominating my blog. I truly appreciate the honor. :)


  7. I second Robin’s comment — congratulations and thank you. : )

    BTW, Vladimir, have I ever told you that my dad is from the Czech Republic?? I noticed you’re from there as well! I didn’t grow up speaking the language unfortunately, but I would love to learn someday soon. My family and I may be visiting Prague this summer!!


  8. Ano, děkuji! :D Perhaps our paths will unknowingly cross. What a small world!


  9. Pingback: Blog of the year 2012 – fifth and sixth award | Rodposse.

  10. I finally found some time to accept one of those awards..thank you somuch for the nomination!!
    here is the link!

    Blog of the year 2012 – fifth and sixth award


  11. Congratulations on these well deserved awards! Thank you so much for including my blog in your nominations!


  12. Some blog!! Good on you for sharing your success… and sharing around the nominations! Thanks too, for paying OMBH random visits… ;-)


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