Playing in the Snow

By Vladimir Brezina

DSC_0795 cropped smallWhat a difference a day makes!

The morning after the snowstorm, we came out into Central Park to find thousands of people playing in the snow and sunshine.





And I took a thousand photos. I am still sorting them out, but here are a few good ones—

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65 responses to “Playing in the Snow

  1. these are beautiful! you’ve captured the mood of the city, yet you’ve also captured some amazing details. i love the shadows of the wire as well as the shadows of many of the other photos.
    sounds as if you have enough great photos for a sleek book!


  2. Isn’t that the most fun about a big snowfall? I especially love the last shot, looks like an iconic painting of “playing in winter!”


  3. Great shots, Vlad. It’s nice to see people enjoying the snow :)


    • Johna Till Johnson

      On Vlad’s behalf, thank you! And yes, it was such fun. Especially the kids. But a friend and I (both women decidedly out of our kid-years) managed to get into a snowball fight, too!


  4. vivid skies, colourful clothes, winter whites and filigree shadows – what a wonderful day!


  5. Great photos, I like the blue and the shadow lines.


  6. You sure have some beauties there!


  7. Oh what fun. I want to come out and play in the snow, but guess it will have to wait because we had none this year where I live.


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Thanks Mary! And anything is possible–a late-winter or early-spring snowstorm in Georgia surely isn’t unheard of! (Not sure if I should wish for that for you or not… :-)


  8. What fun! Fantastic captures!


  9. That’s terrific stuff, Vlad – such a poignant portrait of The Park, and its place in the life of the city.


  10. I just love the way trees look with the snow. That snowman is a little unusual. :-D


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Oh, there were several amazing snowmen! I took a picture of a “snow rabbit”—complete with hutch–with my cell phone. Unfortunately, it did not meet Vlad’s exacting standards for display :-)



    Very nice- the red really pops doesn’t it?


  12. These pictures are great! It looks like they’ve never seen snow though! :) and it looks like they were having a great time! Really nice.


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Hey now, Becky! Don’t be dissin’ us Noo Yorkers… unless we were born in 2012, we’ve seen snow before! It’s just that this was our first big storm of the season–long-awaited!–and conveniently timed for the weekend.

      And we DID have a wonderful time, young and old alike!

      Thanks for commenting, and visiting the blog. We love yours!


      • Oh no!! No disrespect from me :) I think “Noo Yorkers” are awesome! I’m glad people were able to enjoy the snow. I just came from CO and it snowed while we were there. It’s pretty, but I rather enjoy my liquid sunshine. :). Love looking at your pictures though!!


  13. Snow always looks beautiful when it is fresh, however in a few days it is a total mess. Beautiful shots though…LOL


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Thanks for commenting, Marcia! Actually, it was pretty torn up by the end of the day Saturday–starting with the cross-country skiiers who came out at the crack of dawn, competing for the fresh “virgin” trails… :-). But beautiful nonetheless…


  14. The wire shadows is awesome! I’ve only seen snow in Central Park when it was one of those dreary, not quite snow/not quite rain sorts of days. It looks so pretty with the fresh snow & all the people have fun!


  15. That’s wonderful that everyone came out and played! It seems sort of Brigadoon-like.


    • Very Brigadoon-like! After a few days hibernating through the storm, everyone poured out into the park. (It didn’t hurt that it was a beautiful sunny, almost mild Saturday.) The same thing happens on the first warm weekend of spring…


  16. It’s beautiful–from 350 miles away! My favorite is the tangle of trees that has been snow blasted.


  17. Hallo,
    This is for you, for being kind to others and me,

    Sweet Valentine greetings, Summer


  18. Oh, I love the Blue Jay & Cardinal – I miss those guys. What gorgeous shots – and I’m with Lisa – the wire shadows are fantastic, but what’s great is that you capture the overall feeling of the day, as well as your own take on the snow.


    • Well, I went there to take photos of the snow, but as the day went on and the crowds of people grew, the patches of undisturbed snow dwindled to practically nothing—all the snow was churned up by thousands of people skiing, running, sliding off the hills, playing football, building snowmen, and throwing snowballs at each other… so they eventually became the “news” ;-)


  19. Very nice! That snow sticking to the tree trunks is quite amazing.


  20. the first picture is awesome.. makes me want to go back to new york. so if my travel budget is going to the minus – it’s your fault;-)


  21. Magic City! Between the snowstorm’s blue enchantment (loved the spots of colors like acid green in the umbrella) and the gaiety and high energy of this days sunshine, you’ve covered the gamut.
    (The snowman reminds me irresistibly of Winston Churchill smoking a carrot.)


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  23. Great shots… the blue shadows are hard to capture… they usually get lost in pictures. What camera or lense did you use?


    • No special equipment: a Nikon D80 and a fairly ordinary telephoto zoom lens. The snow shots come out blue naturally—in fact often too blue. So the important thing is to shoot in RAW format and then adjust the images to your liking on the computer…


      • Thanks… I am not so techincal :( I bought a cannon which is all automatic. It is a step up from the point and shoot. Still learning it. One day when I get that sorted I can graduate to the more difficult ;)


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