Thank You, NYC Swim

By Vladimir Brezina

IMGP7910 cropped small 2Unlike Johna, I’ve been reluctant to write too much about myself on Wind Against Current. Who would want to read that stuff?  And now I don’t have to write anything—NYC Swim has done it for me.

In each issue of their Cross Currents Newsletter, they profile a particular swimmer, or sometimes a volunteer, such as a kayaker, who has worked extensively with them. And so the latest issue of the newsletter features a piece entitled Volunteer of the Week: Vladimir Brezina

It’s got something about what I do when I am not kayaking, or blogging. So, if you want to read such stuff, there it is! :-)

54 responses to “Thank You, NYC Swim

  1. Excellent profile of you Vlad! And congratulations!


  2. I loved reading this, Vlad. Nice article & nice appreciation of what you do.


  3. What a great profile, I really enjoyed learning more about you!


  4. You are much more than just your blog! Wow! I think that is part of the fun of blogging. I am a neuro person myself-although I use it with people and therapy. :) I am amazed daily at the resilience of the the brain. I have enjoyed your blog. My brother lives in the city-of course, I think I get more info about the city from you blog than from him. Thank you for sharing the article. They did a terrific job on it!


  5. :-) wonderfulllllllll image!!!


  6. Nice/original photo and a nice article Vladimir ;) ! Congratulations!


  7. I’m glad you shared that. Actually, when I was first getting to know you & Johna, I looked up your credentials and was wow!! I enjoy being friends with both of you and am impressed at how the kayak side is such a great fit to your lives.

    And I love the picture of you too! It’s about time we get to see you up close.



  8. quiet a character young Sir


  9. Great to get a closer look of the blogger behind the blog!


  10. vintagefrenchchic

    Great article and it was so interesting reading “that stuff”. Thank you for sharing it. You are living a valuable life!


  11. Enjoyed reading all about you! You have a very interesting story. Thanks for sharing :)


  12. Thanks for sharing this Vlad! And how convenient for NYC Swim to provide such a great profile of the man behind the kayak :-)


  13. Great article. It really had some meat to it (well, slug). I enjoyed it very much.


  14. Very nice Vlad. Nicely done. :)


  15. Nice article, enjoyed it a lot and finding out about the guy behind the blog :)


  16. What a great profile piece — wonderful balance of work and personal interests presented. And glad to hear that you and Johna will be continuing to paddle away, wind against current, and keep this interesting blog full of your adventures and insights,


  17. Very nice profile! I loved learning about all of the places you’ve lived in.


  18. Nice article. A waive of the paddle for your volunteer work.


  19. Thanks for sharing this nice and informative article about yourself. It makes me happy to read about a life that seems both active and relaxed – an inspirational role model.


  20. Cool!!!! Thanks for sharing it!!! It is funny what lies behind some pics or some words…I knew you were a neuroscientist but I thought you were dealing directly with humans…
    I agree…Brain is a mystery….And may be because of that we (I do not know about animals) are able to do the biggest and the most terrible things…
    BTW: Funny you like big cities having been first in Praga and Cambridge…:)


  21. Excellent… :-)

    In danish we have a funny saying, used when we make jokes about things like this “Hvorfor gøre ting i dag som vi kan få andre til at gøre i morgen ” – tramslated – “Why do things today, we could let other do tomorrow”… :-) :-) ;-)


  22. Mad Queen Linda

    That was a very well written article and thanks for sharing. Now hand Johna the camera so we can see a little more of you too.


  23. WooHoo Vladimir! So happy to finally meet you. Your smile is one of great satisfaction in your accomplishments … way to go.


  24. Awesome-sauce! Of course people want to read that stuff… at least I do… muahahahahaha!! Yay, now I know you know all sorts of things about brains and about having a life… besides that man who sits in a kayak and takes photos. :P Have a great day!!


  25. Hi Vlad,
    I really enjoyed reading the article about you. Thanks for sharing that. I hope you do get back to Prague.


  26. Great article and thanks for sharing it with your reading audience. The brain is a fascinating thing to study.


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