Yesterday’s Sandy Hook Paddle

By Vladimir Brezina

It’s our routine. Weekends, we paddle. And when the tidal currents say go south, we go south. And, unless we can think of something more ambitious, that means Sandy Hook.

But each trip is different. The sea and the sky have a different look and feel each time. We see different ships in the harbor. I can’t resist taking photos to capture it all. Here are a few from yesterday’s trip.

(click on any photo to start slideshow)

31 responses to “Yesterday’s Sandy Hook Paddle

  1. Beautiful, what a gorgeous journey! Thank you for sharing, these photos are stunning.


  2. Amazing and beautiful photos! Also the textes under them :D


  3. Your photographs put me right on the water with you. The motion and feel come through as well as the beauty. Thanks again Vlad.


  4. what an adventure.. those are some pretty big waves..


    • And I didn’t even take a picture of the really big ones! ;-)

      Down in the Lower Bay, there is usually turbulence where the current goes over shoals, often wind waves on top of that, and sometimes swells arriving from the open Atlantic. But it’s still pretty protected water. During this trip the waves were bigger than usual—perhaps three to four feet in places. But nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing unmanageable. It was a pretty relaxed trip.


  5. Looks like you were very close to the container ship. Love the shots of the waves! The last two shots are breathtaking!


  6. Birds, crabs, ruins with a view, beautiful sunset. Who could ask for anything more! Great colors.


  7. What a nice weekend adventure and thanks for sharing it with your pictures.


  8. Fantastic photos and another great trip for the books . That’s gotta be close to a good 35 + or – round trip , well done . Are you two traveling in a Bee-line or is there a more strategic/safer course ? What time was the ebb current and how long was the paddle to Sandy Hook ? Thx


    • Thanks, Stephen!

      It’s about 30 nautical miles from Pier 40 to the tip of Sandy Hook and back, although we went a bit further down Sandy Hook.

      To take maximal advantage of the currents, there is a preferred way down, and especially back. It can be a bit complicated, and changes depending on where in the tidal cycle you are. I’ll post a guide to paddling to Sandy Hook soon (I know, I’ve been saying this for a while).

      This trip was on Saturday, August 3. At the Narrows, the ebb current started around 8 AM, but we didn’t get launched from Pier 40 until shortly before 10 AM. (Normally you want to launch earlier so as to have more time on Sandy Hook.) We got to the tip of Sandy Hook at about 1:15 PM, which is about par for the course with non-spring-tide currents.

      It took longer coming back, as it always does.


  9. I will say it guys are some brave souls! LOL


  10. There’s no better way to spend a weekend! Looks like you two had a great trip. Love the primary colors of the first photos, and especially the late afternoon seascape.


  11. Great photos, Vlad. Love the sunset pics.:)


  12. nutsfortreasure

    Gorgeous shots wonderful reason and see that ship with the containers I used to haul them behind my tractor! Beautiful post.


  13. Beautiful gallery of photos!


  14. These photos are beautiful.My daughter lives in NYC and I have to admit I have to look very hard for beauty there, but maybe haven’t been looking at NY the right way.


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