Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is One Shot, Two Ways. “For this challenge, capture two images — a horizontal and a vertical version — of the same scene or subject.”

At last year’s Great North River Tugboat Race & Competition

The biggest and the smallest

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Lincoln Sea throws an enormous bow wave as she overtakes the competition

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Three Forty Three welcomes the finishers

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The tugs line up at the pier afterwards

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Meagan Ann wins the line toss!

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The landscape format just doesn’t do it… It takes a portrait shot to show just how enormous Lincoln Sea is!

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And the tugs are getting ready again for this year’s rematch. If you are anywhere near New York Harbor on Sunday, September 1, don’t miss the 21st annual running of the Great North River Tugboat Race & Competition!

45 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

  1. Pingback: B4 Retouch / Weekly Photo Challenge: 1 Shot 2 Ways (Paris) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Grrat shots – thanks for sharing. Would love to see this in person.


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot Two Ways | blogagaini

  4. These are perfect examples for the challenge.


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – One Shot, Two Ways | castelsarrasin

  6. Wow. How fun!!! You weren’t in a kayak during that craziness, were you?!


    • No, they probably wouldn’t have let us get anywhere close in kayaks. But we were on a boat—a Circle Line boat, chartered especially for the occasion, that was able to get us very close to the action. I highly recommend getting on that boat, as opposed to staying on shore, to see the tug race in its full glory…


  7. My kind of photos… :-)


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways | Say It With A Camera

  9. wow, so exciting, looks wonderful!


  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – One Shot, Two Ways | Endless Skys

  11. Pingback: Photo Project ’52 Bolivian Sundays’ [week 32, 'One Shot, Two Ways, the Kenua Tree']. | 3rdculturechildren

  12. Very cool shots!!


  13. looks like much fun!


  14. Great photos – so dramatic!


  15. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: One shot, two ways | Between Land and Sky

  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways | Is It Possible To See It All

  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenges: One Shot, Two Ways in Architecture | Wind Against Current

  18. great shots vlad, put me right into the action


  19. Fabulous photos of a great unknown (unknown by me, probably little-known at best?) New York event. Tuffy the Tugboat all grown up, taking his place in the sun!
    For the challenge, especially love the fireboat (?) welcoming the winner with those enormous arcs of water. Terrific either way, vertical or horizontal, but the vertical (to me) really is overwhelming in effect.


  20. Wow! In Sydney, it’s the ferries that get the glory. But I have to wonder — given how big Lincoln is, what size are the ships it, uh, tugs??


    • Not quite what you might expect. There are huge ships in the harbor, but the Lincoln Sea was designed as the tug part of an Articulated Tug and Barge (ATB) combination, which means that it pushes its own dedicated barge (and other barges) around. The size and strength comes in handy in adverse weather, in winter, etc.You can read more about the Lincoln Sea and see it in action pushing barges here.


  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot Two Ways 3 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  22. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Rockport Harbor, Cape Ann, Massachusetts | SERENDIPITY

  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Cold, Grey North Atlantic | SERENDIPITY

  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Gloucester on Cape Ann | SERENDIPITY

  25. Pingback: One Shot, Two Ways

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