Travel Theme: Rivers

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Rivers.

Kayaking around Manhattan revolves (so to speak) around three rivers: the Hudson River, the East River, and the Harlem River. (Two and a half of them are not really rivers, but we won’t let that distract us here.)

And so, when we fly back to NYC, we always try to sit by the window. It’s such a pleasure to see these rivers spread out below, and to recognize all the bridges and piers, the islands and bays that we’ve come to know so intimately from kayak level.

From the air (click on any image to expand)…

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… and from kayak level

Typical summertime conditions ;-)

1. East River: Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Williamsburg Bridges

Downtown vista

2. East River: Moody Downtown vista

From the air…

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… and from kayak level

... as we launch down the Hudson

3. Hudson River: The new World Trade Center ahead

From the air…

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… and from kayak level

We pass Chelsea Piers

4. Hudson River: Chelsea Piers and the Empire State Building

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5. Hudson River: Summertime evening on the river

One of the classic views

6: East River: Midtown Manhattan vista

From the air…

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… and from kayak level

White mulberries!

7: Harlem River: White mulberries!

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8. Harlem River: Under the RFK Bridge in falling snow

Nocturne: the George Washington Bridge

9. Hudson River: George Washington Bridge nocturne

36 responses to “Travel Theme: Rivers

  1. George Fatula

    Those views, from the “Rivers”, put a new perspective on Manhattan! Love it.


  2. I enjoyed your post! Nice photos of Manhattan (from the “rivers”!)


  3. Overall great pics but #8 is my favourite!


  4. Terrific comparisons and contrasting views. Very cool.


  5. Pingback: I love the water but don’t want to be a fish | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  6. Loved the mulberry shot!


  7. NYC from a whole new perspective. Love it.


  8. Great to have the aerial views to give perspective on where you are paddling.


    • Indeed! Although, actually, it works more the other way. The paddling—knowing exactly what’s down there—gives perspective to the aerial views. It’s surprising how much detail you can see from a plane… I guess not that surprising given the amazing detail you can see in, for example, Google Maps’ satellite views :-)


      • Vlad, because it’s all about me, :) the aerial shots help the reader who is not familiar with the locals landmarks to better appreciate your posts. Either way I really enjoyed this post. :)


  9. Splendid!….particularly love no.7 of Johna eating mulberries


  10. This is incredible! How did you take pictures from way up there in the sky? From one of the skyscrapers? From a chopper?


  11. Love the views from above and below, great post!


  12. really enjoyed this post – and kept going back to picture #8 – the bridge in snow – not only is it such an interesting shot – the feel of the toned down bridge with the hints of color form the crane and bridge base – and then the pop of color form the boats – It looks as if you did not edit this photo and we get a feel for the experience – which ties me into the second amazing thing about this shot – kayaking in snow – and while I know you are year round kayakers – and you write about the elements and all that – when I saw this shot I felt the die hard athletes ya’ll are –
    anyhow, in the back ground there is also the other bridge and – a bit of trees – and likely even more that I am missing – :)
    but that is one of my favorite shots of yours….


    • I am so happy you liked it!! :-)

      It was that kind of day—subdued snowy scenes with splashes of vivid color here and there, some of which we supplied ourselves…

      It was just a Manhattan circumnavigation, but it was the maiden voyage of Johna’s new boat, and we saw a dolphin and a seal in the East River…. Magic!

      The full story, with more photos, is here, and even more photos are here.


  13. Shot number six is my all time favourite….might even need to break out the easel :-)
    And shot seven is just so much fun !


  14. this is awesome! i love the aerial views with markers to where you were actually paddling! wow!!
    #8 – must be neat to paddle while snowing!


  15. Pingback: The Rivers of Manhattan - a photo guide. - OutdoorFest

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