Weekly Photo Challenge: Relic

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Relic.

Kayaking around New York Harbor, we pass many relics of its maritime past—


Binghamton 1
Binghamton 2

Major General William H. Hart

Major General William H. Hart

— the Yellow Submarine, Quester I

Yellow Submarine 1
Yellow Submarine 2

— and, of course, the celebrated Graveyard of Ships

Graveyard of Ships 1
Graveyard of Ships 2

64 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Relic

  1. The boat in your first photo must have been a beauty in its heyday.


  2. I always love things of the sea. Great captures.


  3. Some really interesting wrecks Vladimir and some great photos! :-)


  4. Wow, what a great site to go on a photo expedition. Wonderful shots. Very haunting.


  5. stephanielamoureux

    The sinking wrecked ships are classic! Get shot :)


  6. Pingback: Deserted Relic ~ Weekly Photo Challenge | In Da Campo

  7. That one still seems in fair shape, actually!


  8. Wonderful. They all look like drunkards who cannot manage another single step, so fell where they lrelics.


  9. My response should have ended, ‘…they lie where they fell; relics of relics.’


  10. What a somber scene the graveyard of ships. If they could tell stories…


    • Fortunately we have people around who are intensely interested in finding out those stories. Some of the really decayed wrecks can no longer be identified, but for those that can, there’s a lot of detail now available, on the internet, on the histories of these ships. And they do have stories to tell! It’s surprising, for instance, how many of the even quite small ships participated in WWI and WWII, sailing across the Atlantic, taking part in the Normandy invasion… Some ships with such histories are actually still sailing around the harbor as tour boats :-)


  11. Terrific haunting photos. We were out at a beach that we heard had old wrecks there, but didn’t see any, this really make up for that :-) !


  12. Terrific relics that no one else will be photographing and posting!


  13. Wow, very eerie! Great shots.


  14. Eerie,,, even though I notice Celia has beet me to it that was my first impression so I’ll stick with it. However, I’d love to visit and get a few photos as well!


  15. Great images Vladimir. If I ever get back to NYC I’d love to go see them for myself …. Does anyone run a boat out there ?


  16. Always sad to see a ship that has had its day. Nice shots.


  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Relic | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  18. What a great image, I love the reflections, the sense of decay, and then that ultra modern backdrop. Beautiful


  19. What fascinating relics, and what stories they must hold. Hard to believe these can legally be abandoned to become trash.


    • Well, especially today, perhaps not legally. But what has often happened is that these boats were not actually abandoned, at least not at first. Rather, they were moored at someone’s dock, often even with the intention of being brought back into service in one way or another (in the case of Binghamton, for instance, as a floating restaurant). But then plans fail, storms come, the person dies or the company that owns the boat ceases to exist… and ten or twenty years later, the boat has decayed so much that perhaps it is not even afloat, and nobody is really responsible for clearing the wreck away…


  20. Pingback: Relics in Agra India – Akbar’s Tomb | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  21. Creepy enough —
    Fifth from the top, perhaps Yellow Submarine Quester in silhouette? looks like a monster, kayaking.
    (Or just my overactive imagination.)


  22. wow. what a lovely collection of photos you have! Wonderful clicks. May be its a floating museum. Any thoughts.


  23. Pingback: Old things | Words & Pics

  24. Really cool…I can’t believe they are all still there like that…That’s a sight I would love to see…


  25. vastlycurious.com

    Deux? : )


  26. Pingback: Things of the Past #agriculture #dpchallenge #drought | Moondustwriter's Blog

  27. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: RELIC | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  28. Pingback: 7-15-14 Weekly Photo Challenge: Relic (Home Base Edition) | The Quotidian Hudson

  29. vastlycurious.com

    I saw the General Hart, wonder why they keep them a float?


  30. the decaying ships are kinda creepy…it would be a great setting for a scary movie!


  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Relic | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  32. wow. that yellow submarine is awesome


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