Tag Archives: Kayaking

Travel Theme: Romance

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge on this Valentine’s Day is, very appropriately, Romance.

The romance of watching the sunset together…

Watching the sunset together

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Travel Theme: Yellow, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Yellow.

New York City’s yellow taxis are world-famous.

IMGP5507 cropped smallAnd ubiquitous! We can’t get away from them even when we are paddling around the harbor.

We’ve always wondered what it would be like to have one pass right over you. It could easily happen, in the dense rush-hour traffic. After all, they have schedules to keep. And we do hear them on the radio referring to us as “speed bumps”…

Here one of our friends is trying to get a feel for it ahead of time ;-)

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(The first “Yellow” post was here.)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Object

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Object.

When we land somewhere on our kayaking expeditions, for lunch or to camp for the night, we aim to leave nothing behind and to take nothing with us when we leave again. But sometimes we find there a little object that just begs to be taken home as a souvenir…

Here is one such, in situ

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It’s coming home with us

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to join others, from other journeys

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(This little green fish is a souvenir of our stay on Stockport Middle Ground during our 2011 trip down the Hudson from Albany to New York City.)

Our 2014 Calendar

By Vladimir Brezina and Johna Till Johnson

It’s almost the end of January, and we’re still looking up at that blank space on the wall where our 2014 calendar should be. But we aren’t going to buy one. Rather, like last year, we are going to make our own, selecting from Vlad’s photos those that seem to us to best capture the feeling of each month.

Now, finally, it’s done, and we’ve sent the calendar off to Shutterfly to be printed.

Here are the photos that we’ve selected:


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Flow on, river! flow with the flood-tide, and ebb with the ebb-tide!
Frolic on, crested and scallop-edg’d waves!
Gorgeous clouds of the sun-set! drench with your splendor me, or the men and women generations after me

Walt Whitman, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Juxtaposition.

In New York Harbor, little boats (juxta)posed with big ships…

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The first “Juxtaposition” post was here.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition

By Vladimir Brezina

Prison bargeThis week’s Photo Challenge is Juxtaposition.

As we paddle along the East River, freely enjoying the wind and waves, we never fail to glance toward the top of this immense blue and white structure, where there are usually men playing basketball in a razor-wire cage…


It’s the Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center, the Rikers Island prison barge.

(A second “Juxtaposition” post is here.)

Before the Storm

By Vladimir Brezina

From yesterday’s paddle along the Palisades…

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And today the storm is upon us!

Weekly Photo Challenge & Travel Theme: Beginning Full of Possibilities

By Vladimir Brezina

The first Photo Challenge of the new year is, very appropriately, Beginning, while Ailsa’s travel-themed challenge is Possibility. Great minds think alike, it seems :-)

At the beginning of each day we launch to new possibilities—

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From our recent trip through the Florida Everglades.

Happy New Year!

By Vladimir Brezina and Johna Till Johnson

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Now that the madness of the holidays is over and we are paddling out into calmer waters, we’d like to wish you, all our friends and faithful readers of Wind Against Current, a most happy and successful 2014, wherever your adventures may take you!

Boundary Conditions: Exploring the Hudson River in Autumn

By Johna Till Johnson
Photos by Vladimir Brezina

As the season descends into Winter, we figured it would be good to post a long-overdue writeup of a trip that we took during the magical boundary between Summer and Autumn—a trip up the Hudson River in October 2013. 

Fall colors

In mathematics, a boundary condition is a constraint imposed on the solution of an equation. By imposing boundary conditions, you focus on a specific subset of solutions, rather than all solutions.

In ecology, there’s also the concept of a boundary—in this case, the transition from one habitat to another. Boundary conditions are then conditions at the habitat boundary. And as a tidal estuary, the lower Hudson River itself is a permanent habitat boundary, since it’s the interface between salt water and fresh, between the ocean and the rivers and streams that feed it.

The two meanings are different, but what they have in common is the notion of focusing on a particular part of the cosmos, one embodying flux, change, and intermingling of diverse forces.

That’s what we did one day this Fall when we drove north for an extended weekend of kayak-camping on the Hudson River, at our favorite spot, the Hudson River Islands State Park, about 20 miles south of Albany.

We set up camp
River view

For this excursion, we’d joined forces with Alex and Jean, fellow paddlers and fellow bloggers at 2Geeks@3Knots, who drove up from New Rochelle. And we were hoping to meet up with Mike and Julie, paddlers from Albany with whom we’d shared a lively correspondence over the past year but had never met. And also, with luck, with our friend David, who lives both in NYC and upstate, and was planning to be on the river up there that weekend.

All of us from different habitats, in other words, but with our common boundary—the Hudson River.

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